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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


January 27 2009 - Tuesday

Finally! My favourite day of the year has come, CHINESE NEW YEAR! For us Chinese, this day is the most important day in the Chinese calender as it marks the 1st day of the year. My home was filled with many varieties of goodies and decorations. Our whole family had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to bath and change into our best clothes. We then rushed to our grandparent's house where all our cousins and relatives had gathered. The hall was packed. We squeezed through to greet our grandparents who in return gave each of us children a red packet or 'Hong Bao'. I quickly proceeded to meet my close cousin who playing computer games in his room. I joined him and we chatted and played happily till noon which was the time lunch would be served. A large spread of food was placed on the table ranging from abalone to black moss (fa cai). The food was delicious. Of course, the festive mood also made them a lot more tasty.

After lunch, my family went to East Coast park to cycle. This year, we could not visit other distant relatives or friends as my grandfather passed away two years ago. It is our family tradition that after one family member pass away, we are not supposed to visit relatives not in directly related to our grandfather for three years! Sad but true... We cannot collect as much red packets as before. We cycled for two hours and I finally mastered the art of riding the bicycle without holding the handle bars! Yes! When I manage to cycle without using my two hands, I felt so thrilled! Other people were staring back in amazement. We then went to the nearest shopping centre to walk around and purchase items we find interesting . After that, we went back to bath and again return to my grandparents house for dinner.

Again, lots of food were placed on the table. However this time, something extra was present... a Steamboat! Everyone began placing food into the steamboat. Soon, the steamboat was filled to the brim and we had to cover it so that the food in it could cook faster. The best thing I like about the steamboat is that everything that comes out of it is delicious! Dinner ended quickly and our relatives began leaving one by one.

After everyone had left, we decided to go back home and my parents even allowed us to play the computer for the whole night as they had to attend their friends Chinese New Year party. Our cousins also came with their laptops. We had a total of eight computers and laptops with just seven of us. By four in the morning, most of us were already sleeping on the computer table.

What a memorable day it was.

Thank you for reading my blog!


(I had to post about yesterday's events today as I started blogging after we played our games... which would be after four in the morning...)


Posted by Jk at 1:52 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I posted a new funny video! Enjoy!

Posted by Jk at 4:29 AM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A better day to come

January 13 2009 - Tuesday
After a day of rain comes a day of sunshine! Yesterday was a bad day for me but today was better. It all started when Mr Loh went up the stage...
The whole school began applauding. Some students began chanting the words ‘HALF DAY!’ We were all hoping that history would repeat itself again as there was a full day off when the results of the students of the year 2007 were released. “...” Silenced fell upon the school when Mr Loh spoke. I could feel my body tense up as seconds passed. The students of the year 2008 scored an average score of 10.5! I hope that we would be able to score as well as them and make Victoria School proud of us. “We deserve a full day off!” that moment Mr Loh said those words, the school went wild! We all screamed in joy! Good news followed up one by one! Classes would end at 1.05pm today and school would start at 9.30am on the following Monday!
Following that, I also found out that the entire secondary two badminton team would be in the ‘C’ division team (junior team). Miss Lim may also be subsidising our badminton jersey which actually cost about sixty to seventy dollars per set. Why should the jersey be so expensive? Is it because of the brand ADIDAS? Some people even said that the brand should be Nike or that it was still affordable. The jump from lesser than twenty dollars to sixty dollars seems rather ridiculous. One man’s “affordable” may not be the same to another man.
Anyway, I am really looking forward to the Chinese New Year holidays, although we would still have badminton training on the Wednesday break.

Posted by Jk at 5:18 AM

Monday, January 12, 2009

Flunking Chemistry Test

January 12 2009 - Monday
A day of failures...
A day of stress...
A day of wasted effort...
But, a day worthwhile.

Today began like any other day. When I just arrived at school, I realized that I forgot to complete my geography homework! However, on the same day, we were going to have our chemistry test! Worst of all, I did not study for the test! A new school week, and there are already so many problems. I decided that the chemistry test was more important and began studying for my chemistry test.

After the morning assembly, we returned back to our classes and our form teacher began to give us a talk on integrity. I then listened to her and read my notes at the same time! I only caught on some important phrases like “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I felt that this phrase is very meaningful. Why? If everybody has this phrase in mind, then the world would not have any conflicts or wars and it would be a much better place to live in.

Soon, it was our chemistry lesson. But little did we realized that the test was going to be held in the science laboratory, so we decided to stay in the class and wait for the teacher, Miss Boey, to arrive. However, we spotted her on the fifth floor waiting for us. Just then, our class monitor remembered that we were supposed to take the test in the laboratory. We rushed up to the laboratory but sadly, we were late and thus, Miss Boey briefed us on the TfU project before giving us the test. The experiments Miss Boey did for us were fantastic!!! The magnesium strip dissolving in the diluted hydrochloric acid was my favourite. Bubbles and vapour were present, the experiment was one of the best I have seen in school. Soon, after the briefing, the test papers were given out. I began looking through the paper. After a minute, Miss Boey wrote the time the test would start and when it would end on the board. I just ignored it and continued to wait till the test would start. A few minutes passed and I felt that it was odd as nobody was making any noises. I lifted my head and to my horror, everyone had started on their test. I only had five minutes left... My heart was beating very quickly and my mind almost went blank. I quickly rushed through the paper. Sadly, I did not manage to complete the whole paper though there were only about fifteen questions.

The early dismissal was the only thing that was good for me today. The O level results were going to be released in the afternoon. I really hope that the batch of 2008 would achieve good results for their examinations not because that there would be a half day tomorrow but because I hope that they would do Victoria School proud.
Nil Sine Labore!!!

Posted by Jk at 12:35 AM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Piano Lesson....

January 10 2009 - Saturday
I had my piano lesson lesson yesterday and I learnt many new songs.
1. Makes Me Wonder (Maroon Five)
2. Gake No Ue No Ponyo (Gake No Ue No Ponyo)
3. Doubt and trust (D.gray Man)
4.Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi (Vampire knight)
All of them were hard, but they gave me a trill when I played them. I would include the videos later.Anyway, let us continue. This blog really caused me a lot of problems...I couldn't even enter my email account to get some of the html codes... I took half an hour just to get the tag board and the mp3 player in order. I had to set the speed of the snow flakes falling down in my blog. Everything was so complicated as everything was just codes. But luckily, perseverance paid off and I finally did it. Wow, I can finally relax... No!!! I almost forgot... there is a chemistry test on monday ... haizzz... Why can't we students find time to rest... Tests, Assignments and projects just keep bombarding down at us. Thinking back, this situation is very similar to that when I was preparing for my PSLE. Homework was just piling up on my desk. Talking about those good old days has made me feel quite nostalgic. I met one of my old friend when I was collecting my Edusave scholarship award this morning. We talked alot about our primary school days. If only we could time-travel back to the past. However, the entire prize-giving ceremony was totally monotonous... Anyway, I hope I can recieve that scholarship again next year!
Here are the videos as I promised
1.Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi
2.Gake No Ue No Ponyo

3. Makes Me Wonder

4.Doubt and Trust

Though I am not the one playing the piano in the videos, the way they play the song is similar to that of mine. Thanks for reading my post, hope you enjoyed it!!! =)

Posted by Jk at 9:16 PM

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome To My Blog!!!

January 9 2009 - Friday
Hi... This blog is specially created for my English assignment - writing a journal through a blog. I have to write five post in this blog and print out one to be graded for my CA1. Percentage for this one post = 50%!!! If I fail this assignment, you can just say that I failed my English examination. Anyway, let us continue. Today was the badminton selection trails for the secondary one students. About thirty students came for the selection but only ten were going to be selected. However, the secondary two players were not involved in this selection and thus, we were left playing ourself. This really disappointed me as I wanted to play with the new players to see how strong they were. All the secondary two players were so bored that we started to make fun out of each other and even played badminton using table-tennis balls! Although it was ridiculous, it was still better than sitting on the floor and wait for the selection to end. After training, I ran into an old schoolmate of my who was "mentally ill". His name was Guang Hui. Though I recognised him, I doubt that he knew who I was. He was trying to get his phone to turn on, while running up and down the bus screaming "On stupid phone!" Everyone on the bus was trying their best not to laugh. When Guang Hui's maid realized what was going on, she ordered him to get back to his seat. Surprisingly, Guang Hui just started laughing at himself began skipping around... Everyone began laughing at him too. Creepy should be the appropriate word to describe the atmosphere then... Sadly, I had to get down of the bus and could not get to see him any longer. I really regretted not trying to socialise with him when we were in primary school. Looking at him now really breaks my heart as it seems that his condition has worsen since the last time I met him. I really hope that he will get better...
Thank you for taking your time to read my post.^^

Posted by Jk at 9:14 PM

Name: Ng Jun Kang
Age: 13
School: Victoria School

Joash Ng
Marcus Goh
Zhao Chen
Zhong Ting
Ryan Chee
Zi Xiang
Marc Tang
Adrian Koh

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